
Since 1998, I have specialized in Jewelry business established my own brand in Nepal. I was born into a Newar-Buddhist family Known as Shakya who are the descendents of Lord Buddha; we still keep the tradition of becoming the monk once in our life time Newars prizes the traditions of craft roots to Tibetan and Chinese. The Newars also have built temples and create decorative arts all over Nepal for many centuries. From early childhood, the beauty of decorative arts and craftsmanship has always surrounded me. When I was around 27, I met a German Goldsmith who invited me to visit his workshop in Germany. Through this German Goldsmith, I learned the Mokumegane technique and was impressed by the beauty of Mokumegane. The Mokumegane is the Japanese swordsmith technique and it is a well known Japanese traditional art and craft technique in the world. The Mokumegane has unique patterns and color tones which I had never seen before. I challenged myself by creating and working on the ancient techniques of the Mokumegane.
I went back to Nepal where I spent years studying and practicing this technique, I experimented with technique to create new patterns, until finally I developed my own Mokumegane.

The Mokumegane is a traditional Japanese technique and hence I think that my Mokumegane will give the Japanese people an intimate and nostalgic feeling to their heritage. My goal is for Japanese people to accept my Mokumegane and I would always like to challenge for new creation.

Never End Peace And Love
Suman Dhakhwa

1998年に「MOKUMEGANE」という日本の伝統技法を使い製作したジュエリーブランド【Suman Dhakhwa】を設立しました。

私はネパール・カトマンズのニュワリ族の出身です。ニュワリ族は、 2000年以上も昔から寺院建築を飾ってきたチベッタン・アートの伝承を継承する一族で、幼い頃より、私にとって装飾美術の世界は極めて親しみ深いものでした。

20歳代の時、ネパールを訪れたドイツ人の彫金師と出会い、その後、彼の招きでドイツへ赴きシルバークラフトの研 鑽を積み様々なアートや技法に触れました。 なかでも特に影響を受けたのが「MOKUMEGANE」という技法です。日本刀などの美術工芸に用いられる「木目金/もくめがね」の事です。その独特な模様、柄など今までに見たことがない木目金の様々な模様と温もりのある色味・奥深さに魅せられ、どうしてもこの木目金製作にチャレンジしてみたいと思いました。
その後ネパールに帰国し、多大な歳月を費やし、様々な試行錯誤を重ね、ようやく私自身の「MOKUMEGANE 」の技法を完成させブランドをスタートしました。


Never End Peace And Love
Suman Dhakhwa

Suman Dhakhwa

© 2018 Suman Dhakhwa